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  • You deserve personalized regenerative medicine options that are cost effective! We offer platelet rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell injections from your own bone marrow!

    At Texas Orthobiologics, we have an in office lab where we can personalize our regenerative medicine treatments for patients.  You deserve better than a one size fits all approach to your healthcare!  

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  • Patient testimonial 2 months after PRP injection for a rotator cuff surgery needed!

    Patient testimonial 2 months after PRP injection for a rotator cuff surgery needed!

    You deserve to stay as active as you want and we won't let a sports injury or arthritis or low back pain slow you down!

    At Texas Orthobiologics we specialize in orthopedic surgery AND the latest evidence based non-surgical regenerative medicine options....all in the same office led by a board certified orthopedic surgeon. 

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  • 22+ Free Lectures on Regenerative Medicine on the Texas Orthobiologics Channel

    22+ Free Lectures on Regenerative Medicine on the Texas Orthobiologics Channel

    *Looking for 22+ Regenerative Medicine Lectures that cover lots of topics? I have a playlist for you!
    The Texas Orthobiologics channel has lots of free information on regenerative medicine AND MSK ultrasound including lectures given at various orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, and regenerative medicine years.
    My only ask?  Please "like and subscribe" to the channel if you find any useful pearls!

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  • Does PRP work for hand pain and wrist pain? Carpal Tunnel? De Quervain's?  Yes!

    Does PRP work for hand pain and wrist pain? Carpal Tunnel? De Quervain's? Yes!

    Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a regenerative medicine or orthobiologic injection that is made from a patient's own blood in the office.

    There is a lot of ongoing research to determine what conditions PRP works best for and also to determine the best dose of this biologic "drug".

    The good news is that we have enough research published to use PRP to help patients with many hand and wrist conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and De Quervain's tenosynovitis.  Previously, the main non surgical injection for these conditions was a steroid shot....which worked sometimes but also had other effects on the soft tissues that we would rather avoid!  All of these injections are done in the office under ultrasound guidance so we can precisely place the injection.

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  • Why do patient reviews matter?

    Why do patient reviews matter?

    15-20 years ago most new patients came from other clinician referrals and other patient referrals.

    With the rise of the internet and doctor review sites.....along with the increasing cost of insurance and rising deductibles...things have been changing over the last 15 years.
    Now,  most common referral source listed by our new patients at Texas Orthobiologics is the insurance company website (searching for local in network docs) and then online patient review sites (to see who is highly ranked) like,,,,,, and even yelp(ugh!).
    So, like it or not, we have to care about reviews if we want to take care of patients..'

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  • Using Ultrasound Instead Of MRI To Diagnose Meniscal Tears In The Office!

    Using Ultrasound Instead Of MRI To Diagnose Meniscal Tears In The Office!

    This brief presentation shows how we can use ultrasound in the office to diagnose a meniscus tear and avoid the time and expense of a MRI scan. It is faster and cheaper for the patient and allows us to have a diagnosis and treatment plan at the very 1st office visit! No fighting with insurance companies for pre-authorization either! Not every tear and not all knee pathology can be seen with ultrasound so there is still a need for MRI scans....but when we can use ultrasound....everybody loves it!

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  • Exosomes are still currently illegal to use in humans in the USA!

    Exosomes are still currently illegal to use in humans in the USA!

    ...still haven't gotten then message about exosomes being an unapproved drug in the USA yet?

    Patients, avoid any clinic or doctor who tells you they can legally do exosome treatments in the USA right now.  Unless they are part of a FDA approved study ....odds are they are not telling you the truth....ask for their FDA documentation and drug approval letter(s).

    Doctors, if you are in a gambling mood and look good in an orange prison jumpsuit....and are looking to stock your is one outfit STILL selling exosomes as recently as yesterday.

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  • Can You Inject Fat Into A Knee To Make Arthritis Symptoms Better For A Year?  Yes!

    Can You Inject Fat Into A Knee To Make Arthritis Symptoms Better For A Year? Yes!

    *MFAT (microfat) injection for knee osteoarthritis? Yes....the clinical evidence is only growing!*

    The best part?  This is a way to use adipose tissue in the USA that is compliant with the FDA regulations.
    This RCT published 9/5/2024 in Arthroscopy divided knee osteoarthritis patients into a MFAT group, a steroid group, and a normal saline group.

    75 patients total followed for one year. The MFAT group was significantly better than the other groups at every time point and out to one year.

    The steroid group had max benefit at 2 weeks which quickly returned to baseline.

    The two most prominent companies with adipose solutions in the USA right now are Lipogems and JointTechLabs.

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  • How to make shoulder surgery (rotator cuff repair) better with regenerative medicine (PRP - platelet rich plasma)

    How to make shoulder surgery (rotator cuff repair) better with regenerative medicine (PRP - platelet rich plasma)

    *Can you do an intra-osseous orthobiologic injection with just an 18g needle?*
    Of course you can. Location is a video documented 18g injection into the greater tuberosity right after a rotator cuff power needed, takes 2.54 seconds! 11g hole in the bone.....don't do that.
    You can use the same technique for the femoral condyles and tibial plateaus, especially if there are small cortical breaks visualized on ultrasound...aim for those! Pro tip" If you are putting in 10cc volume....getting the needle perfectly in the center of a bone marrow lesion is not critical to clinical success...10cc spreads pretty quickly throughout the space....promis

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  • This is why we test ALL PRP at Texas we know what dose we are giving!

    This is why we test ALL PRP at Texas we know what dose we are giving!

    Regenerative Medicine Clinics should know the dose of any drugs they give to patients....including platelet rich plasma! At Texas Orthobiologics we test every dose

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