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Another Organization Selling Amniotic Fluid and Umbilical Cord Blood As A Stem Cell Injection Is Getting Shut Down By The FDA

Goodbye and good riddance to the R3 Stem Cell Chain of over 45 affiliated clinics who were taking advantage of people in pain and with debilitating conditions by selling them stem cell injections that were not properly registered and that were not even stem cell injections in the first place.

FDA just sent another Untitled warning Letter ( to a “Stem Cell” Organization promoting stem cells from birth tissue products like amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood for diseases like ALS, diabetes, Parkinsons, Lyme disease, strokes and more. The R3 Stem Cell Clinic ( founded by David Greene, MD, MBA has over 45 affiliates nationwide. The FDA letter once again notes that these birth tissue/prenatal products require registration as section 351 products which is NOT the way any of these companies and clinics operate with very very few exceptions. I would hope that this organization will be rolled up and shut down and stopped from treating people as it currently does in violation of FDA regulations.

The company’s founder, David Greene, MD ….used to be an orthopedic surgeon but had his AZ medical license revoked in 2009. I am glad to see that the acting FDA commissioner, Ned Sharpless, MD, is continuing to ramp up FDA enforcement against unscrupulous and in some cases frankly criminal organizations preying on people in pain and with chronic debilitating diseases. #fda #orthobiologics #regenerativemedicine

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