Can I still do a #PRP procedure if my patient is on Plavix?
Spoiler alert is that we don't really know the affect of Plavix on PRP production or clinical outcomes....BUT I do have some ideas based on the biology.
#1 Plavix works by blocking platelet aggregation by binding to a surface receptor on the platelet.
#2 Plavix does NOT work by changing the contents of the platelets or the number of platelets....but rather by decreasing platelet release.
#3 We use platelets in PRP because they release their contents and not because we want them to aggregate and clot.
So, with my admittedly basic ortho surgeon understanding of this...anything that would decrease the contents of the platelets OR decrease the number of platelets that release their contents OR decrease the total number of platelets certainly could affect clinical outcomes. Plavix probably has the biggest potential impact on the platelet release part. There is some research that Plavix does not significantly decrease the total number of platelets. I haven't seen any research that Plavix actually can decrease the contents inside the platelets.
Without more data....I just double the blood draw...inject the same end volume....and track everyone in a registry. I am still getting worthwhile PRP results with this approach (others too!)
We could get more scientific if we knew the exact % that Plavix decreased platelet release....or the exact % of platelets inactivated by Plavix.
Any other ideas welcomed!!!

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