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Exosomes are still currently illegal to use in humans in the USA!
Exosomes are still currently illegal to use in humans in the USA!

Doctors and Patients:

...still haven't gotten then message about exosomes being an unapproved drug in the USA yet?

There is currently no on label approval for using exosomes for any medical condition (this is directly from the FDA).

Patients, avoid any clinic or doctor who tells you they can legally do exosome treatments in the USA right now.  Unless they are part of a FDA approved study ....odds are they are not telling you the truth....ask for their FDA documentation and drug approval letter(s).

Doctors, if you are in a gambling mood and look good in an orange prison jumpsuit....and are looking to stock your is one outfit STILL selling exosomes as recently as yesterday.

The Center For Regenerative Medicine is run by Alimorad Farshchian (AJ Farshchian for those who remember the youtube videos and linkedin commentaries from years ago............)

The exosome sales special is tied to the upcoming American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians meeting this month in Miami where Dr. Farshchian is one of the speakers.

If you buy enough exosomes ($12,000) you can get free membership into the AASCP and even free admission to their annual meeting. What is level of "education" really worth?



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