We do this every day, for every patient who gets a PRP injection.
We have invested in an in-office hematology machine...about a $12,000 piece of equipment...because it is the standard of care for analyzing blood samples and determining the Platelet Rich Plasma doses we are giving to patients. We want to know the dose of the drug that is effective and patients paying for these procedures deserve to know the dose they are paying for. Simple!
Yet less than 5% of doctors doing these procedures have a hematology machine on-site to get these answers where the procedure is happening.
We enter the PRP dosage data into our Databiologics.com Registry and the patient chart. We track the clinical indications and outcomes with validated patient reported outcome measures sent in via text/email into our databiologics registry. This patient had a 60cc blood draw and we made 6cc of PRP. End result was a leukocyte/granulocyte poor PRP with increased lymphocytes and a platelet count of 1.454 Billion platelets per cc. We injected 6 cc so the total platelet dose was 8.7 Billion platelets. Our "system" concentrated platelets 6.7x and made a LP-PRP.
We did 3 of these injections today and a couple bone marrow concentrate/stem cell injections...... as well as seeing our orthopedic surgery patients. Felt like we helped a lot of people today 😊
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