*Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Name that tune anyone?*
Name That Tune has been around in one form or another since 1952! By naming a song with fewer clue notes than an opponent, contestants earn cash prizes.
In PRP "Name That Tune", the "winner" is determined by whichever PRP protocol produces the PRP dose (or concentration) with the smallest blood draw.
As a doctor or patient if the end PRP is the same, would you rather have 30cc or 60cc drawn? 180cc or 60cc? 240cc or 60cc? There are tremendous differences in platelet recovery percentage between PRP kits and homemade protocols. If we only care about the platelet concentration....then the chart below shows one PRP kit's data starting with a whole blood platelet count of 250. The bottom chart shows a more efficient protocol than the top chart....this commercially available kit can create 20x PRP in 2.5cc from a 60cc blood draw! Platelet dose is 12.5 Billion in this example. There are other commercially available kits that would require a blood draw of 180cc (or more!) of blood to get to the same concentration and platelet dose.
The platelet recovery percentage of your system is an important Platelet Rich Plasma metric!

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