What is the Best Type Of PRP For Knee Arthritis? High dose PRP!
If you want ACP results, use ACP.
If you want PRP results then you need to draw 6x more blood and use a system that concentrates about 4x more than the ACP system.
If you want ACP results, use ACP.
If you want PRP results then you need to draw 6x more blood and use a system that concentrates about 4x more than the ACP system.
Here is a patient testimonial from a patient who had one bone marrow concentrate (stem cell) injection 8 years ago.
She has done amazingly well.
Results always vary in humans but we have many patients who do this well from a single injection when they don't have advanced arthritis.
You can too!
Call us for a personalized consult! We want to help you live your best life.
* What is the average price for a knee #PRP injection at the top 25 US Hospitals?*
The average is $800 per injection.
But how many platelets are in that injection? We have an average price but we don't know how many platelets that is buying. As a result the conclusion misses out on some critical price factors that must be considered by doctors and patients alike when choosing PRP companies, following dosing protocols, and pricing the PRP for patients.
Let me explain.
Single Price does not equal the total cost to the patient.
Would you rather have 3 injections for $800 each or 1 injection for $1800 if the results were the same? Right.
We decided to see how much PRP the Biobrace 5mm by 250mm implant would absorb before saturation.
The answer? 342% of its weight!
Although we cannot use cultured stem cells in the USA currently, studies like this one suggest that the future of orthobiologics as a disease modifying (ie. restoring cartilage) therapy lies in much higher cell dosing than we can do in the same day procedures. With our same day procedures, most of our success is with symptom modifying (ie. decreasing pain).
We have an increasing volume of clinical evidence that PRP injections can offer some hope of pain relief even to patients with advanced knee arthritis.
It is up to the patient to decide on this treatment modality after discussing relevant surgical and nonsurgical treatment options with their orthopedic trained doctor.
What do you do when your doctor says surgery is the only way to relieve your knee pain? Or when physical therapy, painkillers, and ice don’t seem to be helping? You may want to consider orthobiologics.
You may have been told that knee replacement surgery is the only option available to you for the management of severe arthritis, or to handle the joint pain you are subjected to every day. Before settling for knee replacement, however, you should explore other options that may give you what you need with less risk, downtime, and cost.
Today I saw a middle aged patient with middle aged knee arthritis and he was looking for another option for arthritis pain relief. He had been to two seminars discussing umbilical cord blood, Wharton’s Jelly, Exosomes, and other regenerative medicine injections. His question for me: “How much cartilage will YOUR procedure grow back” Seems that he had been told that he would grow 1 inch of cartilage back at one seminar and about 0.5 inches at the other seminar. I found this funny and interesting and probably a bald faced lie…. because the upper range of normal human cartilage thickness in the knee is 3-4mm…….FAR less than the 25mm promised in one seminar and still far less that the 12mm promised in the other seminar.
Every patient wants to know the answer to this question. My answer is partly based on this publication by 4 authors including friend Aaron Calodney, MD. They published a comprehensive analysis in 2015 based on the best evidence currently available. After crunching the data from 24 included studies with a total of 2315 patients...the answer is....pain and function improved for 6 months and at 12 months pain and function scores were still better than preinjection scores. There was a wide range of products injected across these studies. Ongoing research since 2015 suggests that platelet counts above 1000 and total platelet doses above 5 billion give longer and better clinical outcomes.
The low concentration/lower doses of PRP still seem to help too, but for a shorter time.