I field tested a bone marrow concentrate system that has been around for a while and which has a design that requires about 90 second of spin time in a two stage spin. There is a unique disposable design which I have been told is partly responsible for their decrease in required spin time to separate cells.
So, I field tested the device in my office and did a 60cc ultrasound guided bone marrow aspiration from the left posterior iliac crest using a unicortical, multi-depth technique and sent off blinded samples to the lab for analysis.
The 60cc bone marrow aspiration had a TNC of 24.1 million/ml for a total of 1446 TNC
The 7cc BMC end product had a TNC of 83.7 million/ml for a total of 585.9 TNC.
For a N=1 it looks very interesting……Will see what the CFU-f/mls show.
If anyone else has lab experience with this please join the party and share results
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