Texas Orthobiologics announces enrollment is opening for a level 1 PRP study for knee arthritis patients!
Since we are just about done collecting our 7+ year data on using bone marrow concentrate to help patients with partial thickness rotator cuff tears, I figured it was time to rev up the next study.
Question: Does photoactivation of high dose PRP lead it improved outcomes in a single injection protocol when treating knee OA?
We will see.....
We will randomize the study and likely need 30-40 in each group to reach statistical significance.
We will follow patients for a year after the procedure and use DataBiologics to track PRP doses, photo-activation, and PROM for outcomes.
Any early bets on the outcome???
Many thanks to ⚕️ Lance Liberti, MBA ( Juventix Regenerative Medical) for supporting this study with their photo-activation device.
We should have interval 6 month outcomes by the annual meeting: IOF Max 2026 😉
Interventional Orthobiologics Foundation
#prp #kneepain #arthritisrelief
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