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The Dallas PRP And Stem Cell Institute announces a free seminar for the public!
The Dallas PRP And Stem Cell Institute announces a free seminar for the public!

The Dallas PRP and Stem Cell Institute has now had just over 50 people attend and another 75 already signed up to come to our Thursday evening Orthobiologic seminar series.

We discuss the many orthopedic conditions for which platelet rich plasma and stem cell injections are being used and studied.

We also expose the many marketing myths and scams still present regarding orthopedic stem cell use, especially with amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood injections (hint: these are not living stem cell injections!)

The seminars are free are run from 5:45p to 7:00p most Thursdays.

The announced dates in May, 2017 are May 4, 11, and 25.

The announced dates in June, 2017 are June 1, 8, 22, 29.

All seminars are at our office at 1015 N. Carroll, #2000, Dallas, TX 75204

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