PRP dose is critical to outcomes. We teach our patients every day why all PRP is not the same and here is another research paper showing that if the PRP dose is too low, the PRP will not work. Ask your doctor what their PRP dose is and how they know it! We have a hematology analyzer in our office so we can be 100% sure of the PRP dose our patients are getting and paying for!
The most recent PRP research is in the Journal of Arthroscopy from orthopedic surgeons!
A review of level 1 studies evaluating PRP outcomes for knee OA was just published March 19, 2024. When you look at the 18 studies that followed patients for a year AND that reported PRP dosing data, the mean platelet dose in the 16 studies with statistically significant outcomes at 1 year was 5.5 billion. In the 2 studies that did not show statistically significant outcomes at one year the mean dose was 2.3 billion.
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