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What imaging tools are important for a regenerative medicine surgeon?

One of the most important steps in evaluating patients prior to making treatment recommendations is to use some form of imaging to see what the problem is. Along with a thorough history and physical exam, and special tests like blood work or neurologic tests, imaging adds another bit of information to help diagnose the source of the problem. One of my favorite imaging tools is this unique Trice Medical Mi-Ultra tablet. It looks like a tablet but it actually combines an ultrasound machine AND and a disposable in office diagnostic arthroscope! It is the only tablet that allows me to see both inside and outside the joint. Patients dont have to schedule extra visits and now we can have a complete diagnosis on the same day as the initial patient visit. As an orthopedic surgeon for 19 years, I have done many thousand knee and shoulder arthroscopies and I am Board Certified by the ABOS. As the Director of a MSK and Orthobiologics Training Course ( for the last 10 years, I have been involved in teaching other doctors how to do MSK ultrasound also. This Trice Medical device is exactly what an orthopedic surgeon and regenerative medicine doctor would want from Santa for Xmas!

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