*ACP does not work the same as #prp for Knee Arthritis!*
In 2016 there was an excellent level 1 study published by a team that included orthobiologic experts Brian Cole, MD and Lisa Fortier, PhD.
With over 100 patients in the study it was well powered.
Patients got 3 injections of ACP or HA.
ACP was made with a 10cc blood draw and 4cc of ACP was made at an average of 1.7x the platelet count. We can estimate the average platelet dose because it wasn't actually calculated in the paper. If we estimate the starting platelet count at 250, then the PRP platelet count was 425.
The estimated platelet dose is 425 x 4cc = 1.7 billion platelets per injection.
Obviously this is a really low dose compared to other level 1 published PRP research with successful outcomes. The successful PRP research comes from authors like Bansal or Chu who documented doses of 10 billion (Bansal - single injection) or 4.2 billion (Chu - 3 injections). PRP dose matters.
In this 2016 paper from Drs. Cole and Fortier, the WOMAC pain score outcomes were not different between HA and ACP at any time interval up to a year. Over the course of the year the IKDC scores were better in patients who received ACP versus HA starting at 24 weeks.
Conclusion? Simple really....
If you want ACP results, use ACP.
If you want PRP results then you need to draw 6x more blood and use a system that concentrates about 4x more than the ACP system.
#arthritis #RegenerativeMedicine #orthobiologics #kneepain
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