Steroids do one thing really well.......they are anti-inflammatory. Virtually every other effect of a steroid injection is not awesome and some are harmful. Patients can have soft tissue atrophy, skin coloration changes, cartilage toxicity, and the big one.....increased risk of infection if surgeries or procedures are done after as few as 1 steroid shot!
There are other safe options to help people with joint pain where a direct injection is indicated.
We do a lot of Regenerative Medicine injections for patients with chronic joint pain and activity related pain.
One non-Regenerative medicine option is an intra-articular injection of Toradol. Toradol is a well-studied NSAID most commonly used for pain control. Results of Toradol injections have been compared to results of a steroid injections for patients with knee arthritis. Toradol does not have the potential side effects of a steroid injection and the cost of the medication is under $3 per injection currently.
For patients that want longer term pain relief, and a chance to have additional beneficial effects from an injection....we have our Regenerative Medicine options.
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